The Outpost Blog

New Edition Of Kill Team Lands Tomorrow!

It’s not just a new Kill Team box set that hits pre-orders this weekend, it’s a whole new edition!

And who would have thought it, the best was to convey numbers in a tabletop game is with numbers (and not icons)! Sanity prevails, and so we all get hyped for a resurgence in a brilliant tabletop skirmish game!

All heralded by a hot new boxset jam-packed with goodies!

Fill your coffee table with two kill teams zipping around on wings and jet packs, a load of brilliant terrain, and a new edition of the rules!

A great way to spend a rainy weekend with friends this autumn!

And of course we will continue to put on events in store as the Kill Team Community continues to grow!

We’ll also be getting in sets of each kill team, so you can have a bit of variety to the forces you field!

AND the datasheet decks are being released at the same time, with faction rules, equipment, and unique plots and profiles for each kill team!

For all the latest releases, sign up to our newsletter!

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