
“Despite being short in stature, the Fyreslayers are a band of mercenaries that have a fearsome reputation of being some of the most ruthless fighters...Read more


“Despite being short in stature, the Fyreslayers are a band of mercenaries that have a fearsome reputation of being some of the most ruthless fighters throughout the realms of Age of Sigmar.Modeling themselves after their fallen god Grimnir, the Fyreslayers honour him with every oath sworn and every enemy slain. The Fyreslayers are an aggressive and passionate nation with a dedication to war and gold. Every action they take goes towards the most worthy of action to them – war!
Discount Fyreslayers
On the tabletop, Fyreslayers are known for their approach of hitting hard, and not giving up. Axes in hand, they field whole groups of berserkers that smash through enemy lines and high ranking Fyreslayers riding on the back of the indomitable Magmadroth.
Discover our range of discount Fyreslayer models to start expanding your army or pick up a discounted Start Collecting! Fyreslayer box to create an entirely new force.”ARIAID[154]

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