The Outpost is proudly an equal opportunities employer and we attract a very diverse crowd of gamers, painters, and staff! It is very important to us that we keep the hobby open and safe for all.
Tabletop gaming is a constantly growing hobby that attracts people from all walks of life and we at The Outpost aim to create and maintain a friendly environment for people to communicate, game, and share their enjoyment.
In an effort to maintain a harmonious and welcoming environment we ask that you help us keep our community free from hate speech of all kinds, and understand that we will moderate and remove messages that we feel are inflammatory or are in bad taste with regards to this.
Excluding, making derogatory or inflammatory comments or being intentionally insensitive about any individual or group will not be tolerated.
Derogatory statements meant for an exclusive group (-isms) seek to divide people and can cause serious damage to an individual.
– Age
– Disability
– Gender reassignment
– Marriage and civil partnership
– Pregnancy and maternity
– Race
– Religion or belief
– Sex
– Sexual orientation
Asking for equal rights, equal treatment and respect should not be required in the 21st century, unfortunately whilst it is for too many people please work with us to ensure that our hobby is the best environment it can be for everyone.
If you experience prejudice whilst interacting through our online platforms or in stores please alert a member of the team as soon as possible so that we may address it.