Citadel Technical: Liquid Green Stuff


Citadel Technical: Liquid Green Stuff

Original price was: £4.40.Current price is: £3.74.

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Expected Release: 16-11-2012
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Liquid Greenstuff is perfect for repairing, sculpting and adding that litte bit extra to a base. When used with a brush you can have as much control as you would painting. Applying small amounts of water to smooth you can quickly, easily and effectively improve your models without any waste!

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  1. Maciver22 (verified owner)

    Fill gaps perfectly works well with a bit water to loosen up and get into the harder to get places….very workable stuff really good product

  2. Edward Rowlands (verified owner)

    Fills all those little gaps and thins out like paint with a bit of water at the edges

  3. Sgt_General (verified owner)

    Citadel Liquid Green Stuff is versatile and useful – it’s not exactly a ‘must have’, but in my opinion it’s an item that’s handy to have in your hobbyist toolbox.

    As someone who’s been getting back into Warhammer, I have quite a few models that I had built as a young teenager who was more interested in getting an army onto the tabletop than enjoying the process of putting an army together. As a result, some of the models are suffering from shoddy craftsmanship in the gluing stage. One of these was an old Necron warrior with an annoying gap through the middle of his gauss flayer. These small but noticeable imperfections really annoy me because of how amateurish they can make a model look, so this lucky Necron became the test subject for Liquid Green Stuff and I was pleased with the result – it’s difficult to tell that there was ever a gap in the gauss flayer and my Necron is ready to strip some molecular structures apart.

    Using it is rather straightforward:
    1. Get an old paint brush (or a new one that’s badly made and keeps coming apart, either way don’t use any brushes you want to keep in a good condition because this stuff won’t come out as easily as acrylic paint).
    2. Put some Liquid Green Stuff on a pallet as you would with paint and add a little bit of water.
    3. Make sure to wipe some excess Liquid Green Stuff off onto your kitchen towel, as you would with your paint, before putting it on as you might find yourself coating more of the miniature than intended. (You should be able to paint over it fine, or scrape it off, if that happens.)
    4. Apply to any small gaps that need to be filled.
    5. Leave it to dry and then come back to inspect it. Liquid Green Stuff has a habit of shrinking into whatever gap you put it in. It might look fine when you put it on, but upon returning to it you might find that you need to apply it two or more times before the gap is finally filled.

    The reason this product isn’t rated 5/5 is because its intended purpose is for relatively niche scenarios in which small gaps appear when you assemble a miniature (or the model arrives with a slight imperfection). It’s not suitable for much more than relatively minor details. For anything worse than that, you’re probably better off looking at working with something like regular Green Stuff. You could also try milliput, I don’t have any personal experience with using that but I’ve heard that it’s useful for filling gaps in miniatures. There are other useful ways and means of minding the gap in your miniatures, too, which you can find online – it’s worth looking them up, but listing them now would detract from this review. After all, this is one of the key reasons to get Liquid Green Stuff: if repair work required isn’t extensive, then it will save you time because you don’t have to get your hands dirty putting Green Stuff or any other resources together.

    That being said, there is one final point I’d like to make, which transformed my perception of Liquid Green Stuff from a 3* product to a 4* product. While Green Stuff allows for much more creativity than its liquid counterpart, this product can still help you customise your miniatures. One YouTube reviewer describes Liquid Green Stuff as a ‘little can of filth’ – and means it entirely as a compliment – because you can apply it to your models as a way to add (subtle) texture, particularly if you’re going for a grungy, dishevelled look, or you think that a miniature (like an undead creature or, perish the thought, a follower of Nurgle) looks too clean. You could also use Liquid Green Stuff on vehicles to create a bumpy texture, simulating rust beneath the paint.

    Summary: Liquid Green Stuff isn’t necessary – there are other tools that do the same job (and arguably do it better) – and it won’t work on sizable gaps, but it works like a charm on small repair jobs. It’s straightforward and convenient to use, and as an added bonus you can use it to provide texture and extra details to your miniatures. Four stars out of five.

  4. NomadJVR (verified owner)

    great product to use for gaps

  5. Ashley Parker (verified owner)

    Rate as good as it does retract a little when dry, so you do need to give your models a second coat in most cases. Works really well, like toothpaste in consistancy. great for fine cast, filling out raised areas and small gaps. you can even use it to mask or remove details, for example, turning mail into cloth. good buy.

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