King and Queen of Hearts


King and Queen of Hearts

Original price was: £14.00.Current price is: £11.90.

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Expected Release: 20-03-2024
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SKU: TTRSR-KEP-013 Category: Tags: , ,
Brand: TTCombat


This King and Queen Tag team would be impressive as individuals, both boast incredible statlines with not a Copper in sight and enough pluses that can almost guarantee they will out wrestle even the largest of superstars. 

King of Hearts, only has a movement of 1, however, each time she performs an attack or Crowd Pleaser she regains that move. Furthermore, MP counters have no effect on the Kings movement. The Ballista Clothesline is a Rope ability, that has Knockdown, this allows the King to put a wrestler in the prime position to go for the pin. Armoured Leg Drop is an excellent turnbuckle that has a great Range and Damage. 

Queen of Hearts, like her tag partner, only has a movement of 1. However, unlike the King, she moves across the entire ring in one direction only stopping when someone has the audacity of getting in her way. The Queen uses her Grapple ability, the Exsanguinate, to not only deal damage to enemy wrestlers but also give them -AP and more importantly a Bleeding counter. The Queen can then use this with her Blood Siphon to recover stamina throughout the game. The Flying Neckbreaker is a solid Turnbuckle ability that lays the smackdown with 2 Gold and gives the target wrestler -MP. 

This royal partnership comes together with the Crowd Pleaser favourite…The Keep. 2 gold and 2 Damage means consistent output to enemy wrestlers, but Crowd Please allows these characters to reach their full potential.

Contains 2 resin multi-part miniatures with 2 square acrylic bases.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Note that clear acrylic bases have a peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

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